5 Ways To Be A Better Process Server

5 Ways To Be A Better Process Server

There are more than 250 process servers in Orange County and Los Angeles County alone.

That?s a whole lot of competition.

But do you want to entrust your legal documents with just anyone?

Think about it.? Out of 250, there?s got to be a few that stand above the crowd right?

There?s the best and then there?s the rest, in any business, and process service is no different.

So how do you tell the best apart from the rest?

The short answer is to do your homework and see what others have to say.

  • Do they have online reviews from customers (link to review site post)
  • Do they have testimonials from past customers (link to testimonials)
  • Do they have good standing with the Better Business Bureau?
  • Do they belong to industry associations like the National Association of Professional Process Servers?

The longer answer is to ask questions.? Any good process server in Los Angeles County and Orange County will take the time to answer your questions before taking your business.

What makes JPL Process Service better than other Orange County and Los Angeles County process servers?

Here are 5 things our licensed, bonded and insured process servers stand for:

  1. Current Technology ? Process serving is half homework, half action.? JPL Process Service performs the appropriate research beforehand with online databases and access to records which greatly increases the likelihood of a quick, easy and successful serve.? In the field, our servers use current technology like GPS, smart phones and communication devices to stay a step ahead of their target.
  2. Professionalism ? The wrong process server can actually really hurt your case or cause with unprofessional behavior.? JPL Process Service understands we?re an extension of you or your law firm and we handle every single job the same way: quickly, efficiently and with respect to all parties involved.
  3. Quick-Thinking ? No matter how much homework you do, the fact remains humans are unpredictable.? In the field, process servers need to assess situations and opportunities and make quick decisions.? Timing is crucial to successful deliveries and hesitation can snowball into embarrassing mishaps.? JPL Process Service servers are trained, experienced and know what to do and more importantly, when to do it.
  4. Follow Through ? Sometimes tracking someone down in the Orange County and Los Angeles County area is difficult.? In these situations, success comes down to persistence or following up during irregular hours.? Many process service companies quit after a few retrys.? JPL Process Service tries at least 6 times before recommending other means of accomplishing your goals.
  5. Building Contacts ? Another roadblock to success is a lack of human resources.? JPL Process Service has a wide range of contacts in courthouses, investigative services, public defenders offices and police departments that routinely assist in reducing delivery times, filing paperwork and identifying targets.

One more thing that we think makes good process servers better is having someone available to talk to you and answer your questions.

At JPL Process Service, a live person is available toll free 7 days a week from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.

If you have other questions, just give us a call at (866) 754-0520.

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